We think of selling your home like piloting an aircraft (maybe that's from Michelle's WestJet days). It's a complex process with lots of details to monitor throughout. Here's what we do for you as your flight crew.
- Pre-Flight Checks: Before every flight a pilot does a walk around, they review the weather forcast for their flight and their flight plan. We are doing the same thing when we review the current market trends, activity of comparable homes and your house itself.
- Prepare For Take Off: As pilots maneauver the aircraft into place for take off they are running through pre-flight checklists, flipping switches and turning knobs. Just like they prepare we get ready to take your house to market. There are a lot of steps and details to make sure your house presents well to potential buyers and knowing what's important, how things should look and what information needs to be included is the foundation for getting your house sold.
- And We're Off: Or, we're on the market! Once we launch, our job is make sure we stay the course. We have to continue to monitor the market activity just like a pilot monitors the weather. We have to make sure we are hitting the check points in our marketing plan just like the pilot does with a flight plan. This is also a chance for our service to shine. Although we don't sell blankets or hand out coffee (unless you stop by the office) we do promise to keep you updated. We will tailor a follow up schedule that works for you (both in timeline and method of follow up).
- Prepare for Landing: Just like a pilot navigates to acheive a smooth landing we navigate you through the negotiatations to get a deal that works for you. We know what switches need to be fliped, how far to turn the dials and when it's time to touch down the wheels.
- Taxi To The Gate: This is the time when we are awaiting the removal of any conditions. We are making sure we stay on track, avoid unnessasry problems and get to the gate.
- It Is now Safe to Remove Your Seat Belt: Once we get that final notice to remove conditions we will flip off that seat belt sign and congratulate you. We won't leave you hanging with what to do next. Just like they tell you which carousel you can pick up your bags on we will tell you what the next steps are. Most importantly we will thank you for your business.
We don’t just want to represent you in this transaction, we want to represent you in your next transaction and the next one after that. We also want you to confidently recommend us to your family and friends. We know that the only way to achieve this is to build a relationship based on trust & integrity.
If you would like to interview us to see if we are the right fit for you please send us an email or complete the form below.